Help Center

Learn how to effectively use Savely to manage your tasks, events, goals, notes, passwords, and bookmarks with advanced features.

How to Use the Weather Module

Viewing the Weather Forecast

The Weather Module displays a 5-day forecast for your selected location. When you first access the page, it loads the current weather and forecast based on your saved city and country. You can refresh this data at any time.

Refreshing Weather Data

Click the "Refresh Weather" button to update the current weather information and forecast. This fetches the latest data from the weather API.

Using Your Current Location

Click the "Use Current Location" button to update the forecast based on your device's geolocation. The system will request permission to access your location and then update the weather information accordingly.

Calendar and Date Selection

The Weather Module supports multiple calendar systems (Gregorian, Persian, Hijri) based on your settings. Dates in the forecast will display according to your chosen calendar type.

Security and Data Protection

All interactions with weather APIs are handled securely. Your location data is processed with care, and the module uses secure sessions and CSRF tokens for any data updates.


If you encounter errors (e.g., issues with geolocation or fetching data), ensure that your browser has geolocation enabled and that you have a stable internet connection. The system will alert you in case of any problems.

How to Use the Tasks Module

Creating a New Task

To create a new task, navigate to the Tasks module after logging in. Click "Add Task", fill in required details such as title, select a task type from the predefined list or enter manually, and choose a due date. Depending on your settings, you can select dates using Gregorian, Persian, or Hijri calendars. Optionally, set reminders by selecting reminder dates and times, add a description, and assign tags. Click "Save" to add the task to your list.

Editing an Existing Task

Select a task from your list, click "Edit", modify details such as title, description, due date, reminders, task type, and tags. The date picker supports multiple calendar systems based on your preferences. After making changes, click "Save".

Deleting a Task

Click the "Delete" button on the desired task and confirm to permanently remove it.

Setting Reminders for Tasks

While creating or editing a task, select a reminder date and time using the calendar widget that supports Gregorian, Persian, and Hijri dates, ensuring you'll get notified at the right time.

Organizing Tasks with Tags and Types

Use predefined task types and custom tags to categorize tasks. This helps in filtering, searching, and organizing tasks efficiently.

Security and Data Protection

All task data is encrypted and secured using advanced security measures, protecting your information against unauthorized access.

How to Use the Events Module

Creating a New Event

Navigate to the Events module, click "Add Event", and fill in event details including title, event type (from a list of predefined options), dates, times, location, and guests. You can select dates using Gregorian, Persian, or Hijri calendars. Set reminders if desired, and click "Save" to create the event.

Editing an Existing Event

Select an event, click "Edit", update fields such as title, dates, times, location, guests, and tags. Use the appropriate calendar system for date selection. Click "Save" to update the event.

Deleting an Event

Click "Delete" on an event and confirm to remove it permanently.

Setting Reminders for Events

While creating or editing an event, set a reminder date and time to receive notifications before the event starts.

Managing Event Details

Add guests, set locations, link websites, and assign tags to events for better organization. The system supports searching for contacts and scheduling events with comprehensive details.

Security and Data Protection

Event data is encrypted and secure, with robust protection against unauthorized access.

How to Use the Goals Module

Creating a New Goal

In the Goals module, click "Add Goal" and fill in required fields like title, goal type, and start date. Choose repetition patterns and reminders as needed. Dates can be selected using Gregorian, Persian, or Hijri calendars. Click "Save" to add the goal.

Editing an Existing Goal

Click "Edit" on a goal, update details including title, type, dates, times, repetition, and reminders. Use appropriate calendar selections and click "Save".

Deleting a Goal

Click "Delete" for a goal and confirm to permanently remove it.

Setting Repetition and Reminders for Goals

Set how often the goal should repeat and configure reminders using your preferred calendar system to stay on track.

Organizing Goals with Tags and Types

Classify goals using predefined types and tags to group and search them easily.

Security and Data Protection

Goals are stored securely with encryption and managed with strong security protocols.

How to Use the Notes Module

Creating a New Note

Navigate to the Notes module, click "Add Note", select a note type from the predefined list, add tags, enter your content, and click "Save". The content is encrypted for security.

Editing an Existing Note

Select a note, click "Edit", modify its title, type, tags, or content, and click "Save" to update.

Deleting a Note

Click "Delete" for a note and confirm to remove it permanently.

Organizing Notes with Types and Tags

Use predefined note types and custom tags to categorize notes for easier management and search.

Encryption and Security

All note contents are encrypted before storage, ensuring your privacy.

How to Use the Passwords Module

Adding a New Password

In the Passwords module, click "Add Password", fill in title, username, password, URL, select a category from a predefined list, add tags, and enter a description. Click "Save" to store the password securely. The system encrypts your data for protection.

Editing an Existing Password

Select a password, click "Edit", make necessary changes, and click "Save". Changes are saved securely with encryption.

Deleting a Password

Click "Delete" next to a password, confirm the action, and the password will be permanently removed.

Security Measures

Passwords are protected using advanced encryption, secure sessions, and CSRF protection to ensure your sensitive data is safe.

Organizing Passwords with Categories and Tags

Use predefined categories and tags to organize your passwords for easier search and management.

How to Use the Bookmarks Module

Adding a New Bookmark

Go to the Bookmarks module, click "Add Bookmark", enter a title, URL, select a category from predefined options, add tags, and provide a description. Click "Save" to store the bookmark.

Editing an Existing Bookmark

Select a bookmark, click "Edit", update details such as title, URL, category, tags, and description, then click "Save".

Deleting a Bookmark

To delete a bookmark, click "Delete" and confirm to permanently remove it.

Organizing Bookmarks with Categories and Tags

Assign categories and tags to bookmarks to group similar items and facilitate quick access and management.

Copying Bookmark URLs

Use the copy button next to a bookmark's URL to copy the link for sharing or saving.

Security and Data Protection

All bookmark data is encrypted and stored securely, safeguarding your personal information.

Come Utilizzare il Modulo Finanziario

Aggiungere un Nuovo Conto Finanziario

Per aggiungere un nuovo conto, clicca sul pulsante "Aggiungi Informazioni Finanziarie" e compila i dettagli richiesti come il Nome del Conto, scegli un'icona, seleziona la tua Valuta, inserisci il Saldo Iniziale e, opzionalmente, aggiungi una Descrizione.

Modifica o Eliminazione di un Conto Esistente

Per modificare un conto, clicca sul pulsante "Modifica" accanto al conto, apporta le modifiche e poi clicca su "Aggiorna Conto". Per eliminare un conto, assicurati che non sia collegato a nessuna transazione prima di cliccare su "Elimina".

Gestione delle Categorie Finanziarie

Il Modulo Finanziario dispone di due tipi di categorie: Spese ed Entrate. Per aggiungere una nuova categoria, seleziona la scheda appropriata, inserisci il Nome della Categoria, scegli un'icona e un Colore, e clicca su "Salva Categoria". Nota che le categorie utilizzate nelle transazioni non possono essere eliminate.

Aggiunta e Gestione dei Metodi di Pagamento

Nella sezione Metodi di Pagamento, puoi aggiungere un nuovo metodo fornendo il Nome, selezionando un'icona e aggiungendo una Descrizione. Puoi anche modificare o eliminare i metodi esistenti. I metodi di pagamento collegati alle transazioni non possono essere rimossi.

Registrare una Transazione Finanziaria

Per registrare una transazione, clicca sul pulsante "Aggiungi Transazione". Scegli il tipo di transazione (Spesa, Entrata o Trasferimento), completa il modulo con dettagli come Conto(i), Importo, Data, Ora, Categoria e Metodo di Pagamento, quindi clicca su "Salva Transazione". Il sistema aggiornerà automaticamente i saldi dei tuoi conti in base al tipo di transazione.

Filtrare e Visualizzare le Transazioni

Utilizza le opzioni di filtro in cima alla tabella delle transazioni per cercare per Intervallo di Date, Tipo di Transazione o Categoria. Questo aggiornerà l'elenco delle transazioni e i grafici associati per fornire migliori intuizioni finanziarie.

Comprendere i Grafici Finanziari

Il modulo fornisce vari grafici, come grafici a barre che confrontano Spese vs. Entrate e grafici a ciambella che suddividono i dati per Categoria.

Sicurezza e Protezione dei Dati

Tutti i tuoi dati finanziari sono conservati in modo sicuro utilizzando crittografia avanzata e protetti da sessioni sicure e token CSRF. Le tue informazioni sensibili sono protette da accessi non autorizzati.

Risoluzione dei Problemi e Supporto

Se riscontri problemi con il Modulo Finanziario, verifica innanzitutto la tua connessione internet e le impostazioni del tuo account. Se il problema persiste, contatta il supporto per assistenza.

How to Use the Settings

Configuring General Settings

In the Settings tab, you can configure a variety of preferences:
Language & Theme: Select your preferred language and choose between light or dark themes.
Calendar Type: Choose between Gregorian, Persian (Shamsi), or Hijri calendars. This will affect date pickers across modules.
Location Settings: Select your country and city for region-specific features.
Currency: Choose your default currency for financial data.
Auto-Lock Time: Set the duration of inactivity after which your session locks automatically (e.g., 1, 5, 30 minutes, or never).

Importing and Exporting Data

Use the Import Data tab to bring in your data in various formats (CSV for passwords, HTML for bookmarks, TXT for notes, VCF for contacts). Similarly, the Export Data tab allows you to export your data in compatible formats for backups or transfers.

Managing Data and Activity History

In Data Management, delete data from specific modules as needed. Activity History displays a log of your actions, which you can clear if desired.

Account and Session Management

The Session Management tab allows you to view and revoke active sessions on various devices. The Account Management tab provides an option to permanently delete your account.